Spectacular cliff diving event!

Chill & Jump #achensee

Watch the spectacular acrobatics of individual and synchronized divers plunging into the water! Chill & Jump #achensee on 9 August 2024 is an amazing event featuring the best cliff divers, including Red Bull cliff diver Alain Kohl, jumping from the viewing platform in Pertisau. Be wowed by the night show with divers performing final jumps and the free runners of the 4 Elements Academy. Add delicious cocktails and snacks, chill-out sounds, and a vibrant atmosphere – and you’ve got a summer evening that couldn’t be any better!

  • 18.00 Event kick-off with chill-out sound
  • 19.00 Cliff divers & freerunners
  • 20.30 Nightshow Cliff divers & freerunners

Members of the association “Junge Achenseer” turn the area surrounding the 14-metre-high viewing platform in Pertisau into a vibrant event area. Expect a relaxed atmosphere and a variety of food and drinks. 

Visit the website directions to Lake Achensee for details. The viewing platform Pertisau is located directly at the entrance of Pertisau. Parking spaces are available at the Karwendel cable car station and the Seehotel St. Hubertus.

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