Ski touring at Lake Achensee
The Rofan and Karwendel mountains offer a multitude of options for ski touring. As an extra perk, skiers can take advantage of the connection to the region’s ski areas where some of the most popular tours start. If you are drawn to the mountains in summer, chances are good that you find yourself dreaming of enjoying them in winter, too.
The solitude of being outdoors in nature mostly alone is one of the biggest attractions of ski touring. Another reason is the reward for making it to the top without using the ski lifts: Earning your turns by trekking up the slopes with climbing skins, soaking in stunning views, and skiing down through untracked snow in remote areas. But mind your step: Ski touring in the open terrain is inherently dangerous and skiers should be aware of certain rules to stay safe. The proper skills and knowledge make exploring the mountains a safe and enjoyable experience that is guaranteed to capture your heart.

Interactive tour planner
Plan your backcountry adventures with our interactive tour planner. Filter by difficulty, elevation gain and activity to find ski tours to suit all abilities.
Achensee ski tour camps
If you want to try ski touring for the first time or sharpen your existing techniques, join one of our Achensee ski tour camps!