Für das leibliche Wohl ist mit Zelten, einem speziellen Früchtebrot vom örtlichen Bäcker und warmen Getränken bestens gesorgt. Die Eintrittskarte zur Tiroler Bergweihnacht berechtigt auch zum Eintritt in die Schauräume des Museums. Die Tiroler Bergweihnacht kann auch mit einer Schifffahrt auf dem Achensee kombiniert werden." data-teaser="" data-orgname="" data-locadress="Heimatmuseum Achental - Sixenhof">
The typical Tyrolean farmhouse is home to the history museum Sixenhof. The centuries-old barn provides the peaceful setting for the Tirolean Mountain Christmas, whose main attraction is a nativity scene complete with life-size figures and real live animals. Visitors can also admire a traditionally decorated Christmas tree and one of the oldest nativity scenes in the Achental. As you soak up the quaint atmosphere, warm up with hot drinks and “Zelten”, a traditional fruit bread from the local bakery. The admission fee to the Tirolean Mountain Christmas includes access to the museum's exhibition rooms. Plus, you can combine your visit to the Tirolean Mountain Christmas with a serene Christmas cruise on board a festively decorated Achensee ship.
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For groups they organize demonstrations outside of opening hours.
Reservations only at info@sixenhof.at.
Per person: EUR 7,-
Children up to 15 years free.