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Opening times of businesses at Lake Achensee

Looking for opening times of attractions, mountain huts, restaurants and cafés in the Achensee region? Check out the links below for current opening times. For information on accommodation providers, go to "Find accommodation".

Mountain huts & inns
Fancy a stopover on your hiking tour? Check out which mountain huts are open. Enjoy your meal!
Excursions & experiences
This list helps you plan your excursions & experiences at Lake Achensee.
Restaurants & cafés
Check our list of open restaurants and cafés. All the latest information at your fingertips!
A couple is enjoying the sauna infusion in the wellness area of Atoll Achensee.
Wellness at Lake Achensee

Looking to enjoy the luxury of doing nothing? How about recharging in a stunning mountain and lake scenery, experiencing pleasure for all the senses, and escaping your everyday routine? Off you go to Lake Achensee!